Individual Spiritual Direction involves a meeting of you and me, the mashpia – in person, by telephone, by Skype - usually once a month for one hour. The session often begins in silent prayer as both director and directee align themselves to the Divine presence. Then, the person in direction will share whatever rises from within, sharing what is going on in his or her life. Together the directee and director explore where G!d is present and what G!d’s invitation to the directee may be.
"It was truly an honor to participate in your maiden Hashpa'ah. As a writer, and songwriter who makes his living singing and talking on stage, I especially appreciate the times we can listen to each other and be silent. I find that in silence, I am able to listen more and by listening, be more empathetic. Through empathy, I am able to reach out with kindness...so, silence gives way to listening; listening leads to understanding; understanding brings empathy; and empathy is a direct route to kindness."
(thank you to) Barry Louis Polisar - Olney, MD
Group Spiritual Direction At times you may want to experience spiritual direction in community. Group spiritual direction involves everyone in the group sharing honestly, listening to others’ sacred stories, and honoring paths that may be quite different from your own. Group spiritual direction is designed to be just as confidential as one-on-one direction sessions. One incentive for forming a group and finding a spiritual director is that it generally costs less since my fee can be split among group members.
"Rabbi Mark is such a gifted spiritual counselor. He is an attuned and in tune listener, gentle prober,
and uses metaphors to get you to dig deeper and wider.
I gained so much from being part of the once a month Hashpaah group.
To be able to share and have your sharing received in a non-judgmental, supported way not only by the facilitator but also by the other group members helped me to open up and explore new personal and spiritual pathways."
(thank you to) Alan Caro - Rockville, MD
"It was truly an honor to participate in your maiden Hashpa'ah. As a writer, and songwriter who makes his living singing and talking on stage, I especially appreciate the times we can listen to each other and be silent. I find that in silence, I am able to listen more and by listening, be more empathetic. Through empathy, I am able to reach out with kindness...so, silence gives way to listening; listening leads to understanding; understanding brings empathy; and empathy is a direct route to kindness."
(thank you to) Barry Louis Polisar - Olney, MD
Group Spiritual Direction At times you may want to experience spiritual direction in community. Group spiritual direction involves everyone in the group sharing honestly, listening to others’ sacred stories, and honoring paths that may be quite different from your own. Group spiritual direction is designed to be just as confidential as one-on-one direction sessions. One incentive for forming a group and finding a spiritual director is that it generally costs less since my fee can be split among group members.
"Rabbi Mark is such a gifted spiritual counselor. He is an attuned and in tune listener, gentle prober,
and uses metaphors to get you to dig deeper and wider.
I gained so much from being part of the once a month Hashpaah group.
To be able to share and have your sharing received in a non-judgmental, supported way not only by the facilitator but also by the other group members helped me to open up and explore new personal and spiritual pathways."
(thank you to) Alan Caro - Rockville, MD
Rabbi Mark is a member of SDI, Spiritual Directors International.
For more information or to schedule a session, please call or write
Rabbi Mark Novak •• [email protected]
For more information or to schedule a session, please call or write
Rabbi Mark Novak •• [email protected]